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Starfall ABC Song
Transcript & Visual Description

Audio Visual
A, aah, alligator A man is standing in front of seven students. He makes the shape of an alligator mouth with his arms.
B, buh, ball He pretends to bounce a ball.
C, cuh, computer He types on a keyboard.
D, duh, doll He pretends to hold a doll.
E, eh, elephant He makes an elephant trunk with his arm.
F, fuh, fingers He holds his hand up and wiggles his fingers.
G, guh, gumballs He pretends to put a gumball in his mouth.
H, huh, helicopter He holds his arms out and spins.
I, ih, itchy He scratches all over.
J, juh, jump He jumps in the air.
K, kuh, keys He turns keys in a door.
L, el, lollipop He pretends to put a lollipop in his mouth.
M, mm, monkey He swings his arms like a monkey.
N, nuh, no He holds his finger up and waves it back and forth.
O, ah, octopus He waves his arms around like tentacles.
P, puh, pizza He pretends to hold a slice of pizza.
Q, quah, queen He puts on a crown.
R, er, rain He pretends to drizzle rain.
S, ss, snake He waves his arm like a snake slithering.
T, tuh, tiger He holds his hands up like claws.
U, uh, up He points to the sky.
V, v, vacuum He pretends to push a vacuum back and forth.
W, wah, window He traces the shape of a window.
X, x, ox He holds his hands to his head like horns.
Y, yah, yawn He opens his mouth wide.
Z, z, zipper He zips up his jacket.
Now I know my ABCs He stands in front of the students and smiles.
Now I wanna hear you sing along with me He points to you.