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Transcript & Visual Description

Audio Visual
(happy fun music)
There are three silhouettes of kids.
Here we stand hand in hand.
Ready for our exercise.
Heads upright with delight.
Shining in our laughing eyes.
Singing cheerily cheerily cheerily.
Clapping merrily merrily merrily.
One two three don't you see.
Where we love to be.
Three kids jump in. They hold hands, then put their hands on their hips and sway. The kids sing, clap, and count to three.
Both hands meet then retreat.
Whirling see our fingers go.
Folded now let us bow.
Gently to each other so.
Singing cheerily cheerily cheerily.
Clapping merrily merrily merrily.
One two three don't you see.
Where we love to be.
The kids hold hands, then hold their hands out and wiggle their fingers. They sing, clap, and count to three.