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Looby Loo
Transcript & Visual Description

Audio Visual
Looby Loo.
(whimsical music)
Backpack Bear bounces around.
Hey folks, it's Saturday night.
Time for our dance.
What dance?
The Looby Loo.
The Looby Loo?
Backpack Bear is standing in a room with three kids.
Here we go looby loo.
Here we go looby light.
Here we go looby loo.
All on a Saturday night.
They all form a circle holding hands and dance around.
I put my right hand in.
I take my right hand out.
I give my hand a shake, shake, shake,
And turn myself about.
They stop holding hands and stick their right hand toward the middle of the circle. They pull their hands out, put them back in, and shake their hands around. Backpack Bear and all the kids spin in a circle.
Here we go looby loo.
Here we go looby light.
Here we go looby loo.
All on a Saturday night.
They all grab hands again, form a circle, and spin around.
I put my left hand in.
I take my left hand out.
I give my hand a shake, shake, shake,
And I turn myself about.
They stop holding hands and stick their left hand toward the middle of the circle. They pull their hands out, put them back in, and shake their hands around. Backpack Bear and all the kids spin in a circle.
Here we go looby loo.
Here we go looby light.
Here we go looby loo.
All on a Saturday night.
They all grab hands again, form a circle, and spin around.
I put my right foot in.
I take my right foot out.
I give my foot a shake, shake, shake,
And turn myself about.
They stop holding hands and stick their right foot toward the middle of the circle. They pull their feet out, put them back in, and shake them around. Backpack Bear and all the kids spin in a circle.
I put my left foot in.
I take my left foot out.
I give my foot a shake, shake, shake,
And turn myself about.
They each stick their left foot toward the middle of the circle. They pull their feet out, put them back in, and shake them around. Backpack Bear and all the kids spin in a circle.
Here we go looby loo.
Here we go looby light.
Here we go looby loo.
All on a Saturday night.
They all grab hands again, form a circle, and spin around.
I put my little head in.
I take my little head out.
I give my head a shake, shake, shake,
And turn myself about.
Backpack Bear and the three kids lean toward the middle putting their heads in. They lean back, then back in, and shake their heads around.
I put my whole self in.
I take my whole self out.
I give myself a shake, shake, shake,
And turn myself about.
They all jump in the middle of the circle. They jump back out, then back in, and dance around.
Here we go looby loo.
Here we go looby light.
Here we go looby loo
All on a Saturday,
All on a Saturday,
All on a Saturday,
All on a Saturday,
All on a Saturday night.
They all grab hands again, form a circle, and spin around.
THE END They all fall down.