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My Family
Transcript & Visual Description

Audio Visual
Y can be a vowel
In words like my and in try
And in hazy and lazy
Now let's read My Family!
A drawing shows the letter "y" with a pair of red lips. The lips sing along with the music. The letter "y" moves to take its place in the title, "My Family."
This is my family. Mommy, Daddy, and me! A drawing of three furry monsters smiling together. There is a mother, father, and a little boy. A camera snaps a picture. It's labeled, "My Family."
Mommy is going to have a baby. Mommy's belly is big. The camera snaps a picture labeled "Mommy Pregnant." Mommy and Daddy zoom away in a car. The camera snaps a picture labeled, "Car Ride."
She brings home a new baby sister. Daddy opens the front door. Mommy walks in holding a bundle. The camera snaps a picture labeled "Mommy is home." Mommy shows us the new baby! The camera snaps a picture labeled "Mommy and Tiny."
"This is Tiny," says Daddy. Daddy and Son look at the new baby girl. She smiles at them! The camera snaps a picture labeled, "New Baby Sister."
"Does she like big trucks?" I ask. The son imagines his baby sister in a monster truck. The camera snaps a picture labeled, "Big Trucks."
"Tiny likes you," says Mommy. Mommy holds Tiny. Tiny smiles at her big brother. The camera snaps a picture labeled, "New Baby Smile."
I act silly for Tiny. Big brother does somersaults and makes funny faces. The camera snaps the picture labeled, "Me Again."
Tiny smiles. I love Tiny. Tiny and her big brother play together. The camera snaps a picture labeled, "I love Tiny." A photo album shows all of the pictures.
The End The storybook closes.