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My Horse Glory
Transcript & Visual Description

Audio Visual
O, o, o, o, o
Or, or, or, or, or
Illustrations show the letters "o" and "r" bouncing to the music. The letters join together and move to take their place in the title, "My Horse Glory."
My name is Tory. A drawing shows a girl with long hair standing in front of a field and a barn.
I live on a farm. A chicken pops out of the barn. It's Peg the Hen!
I have a horse. Her name is Glory. Tory waves toward her horse. Glory trots and jumps.
Glory plays in her corral. Glory stands on her back legs and neighs.
I forgot to close the gate and Glory got out. Glory trots through the open gate.
I had to find her. Tory looks worried. She has a flashlight. She turns it on and off.
I found her with a thorn in her foot. Glory lies on the ground. Tory pets her with love.
I called the animal doctor for help.

Boy: Hello? No, this is the paper boy. You got the wrong number!

Veterinarian: Don't worry. I'll be right there!
A phone screen says "Call the Veterinarian 555-1234. Numbers dial, and the screen says "Calling.. Paper Boy". Numbers dial again, correctly this time. The screen says, "Success!" The animal doctor arrives in her truck.
Now Glory is back to normal. Tory rides on Glory's back. The animal doctor gives Glory an apple.
The End The storybook closes.