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Sky Ride
Transcript & Visual Description

Audio Visual
The silent-e at the end of the word
End of the word, end of the word
The silent-e at the end of the word
Makes the i say i, i
Illustrations show the letters "i" and "e" in the word "Ride" bouncing to the music. The word "Ride" moves to take its place in the title, "Sky Ride."
Spot is black and white. A drawing of Spot, a little dog. He balances on a unicycle and pedals back and forth.
He rides bikes with Mike and Spike. Mike wears a helmet. Spike wears a scarf.
Mike has a kite. Spot, Mike and Spike ride by. A kite is attached to Mike's bike. The kite lifts Mike and his bike into the sky.
"Let's chase Mike," says Spike. Spot and Spike get out their kites. The kites lift Spot and Spike into the sky.
They play hide and seek. Spot and Spike hide in the clouds. Mike floats in the middle.
"Let's go down," says Mike. Mike points to the ground.
Yikes! They land in slime! The green slime makes a splat.
The End The storybook closes.