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Transcript & Visual Description

Audio Visual
Wings: An ancient Greek myth

Retold by Starfall. Illustrated by Xiao-Huan Li and Jing Lili. Animated by Jing Lili.
A drawing of a young boy with wings on his back.
Icarus lived with his father on an island ruled by a wicked king. Icarus's father had to work day and night to make things for the king. Icarus and his father sit by the shore. His father works and works while the sun goes up and down.
Icarus did not always listen to his father. When his father told him not to run in the house, he ran anyway. Icarus accidentally breaks a vase as he runs in the house.
Icarus's father wanted to leave the island, but the wicked king would not let him go. Soldiers guard Icarus's father. He sees a little bird fly by.
How could Icarus and his father leave the island? The king had all the boats. It was too far to swim.

"I have an idea," said his father. "Let's get some feathers and wax."
Icarus and his father watch the ships. Icarus's father imagines making wings.
"We will make WINGS. Then we can fly off the island like birds!" said his father. Icarus's father builds a set of wings, and sets them on Icarus's back.
The wind lifted them into the sky like kites.

"This is fun," said Icarus.

"Do not go near the sun," said his father. "Your wings will melt!"
The wings lift them into the sky!
Icarus did not listen to his father. He went up, up, up. The hot sun melted Icarus's wings, and he fell into the sea. The sun watches Icarus get closer and closer. It blows on the wings, and they fall apart!
What do YOU think happened to Icarus?

The End.
Icarus falls into the sea!