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The Little Red Hen
Transcript & Visual Description

Audio Visual
The Little Red Hen: An English Folk Tale

Retold by Starfall. Illustrated by Michael Ramirez.
A red hen pours milk into a bowl of batter.
A little red hen found a bag of corn.

"I will take it home and make muffins," she said. The little red hen asked a duck, "Will you please help me lift my bag of corn?"

The duck said, "No."
The Little Red Hen points to her bag of corn. The duck prepares to go fishing.
She asked a turkey, "Will you please help me lift my bag of corn?"

The turkey said, "No."

She asked a goose, "Will you please help me lift my bag of corn?"

The goose said, "No."

"Then I will lift it myself!" said the little red hen.
The hen holds out her wings. The turkey looks down at her glasses. The goose reads a newspaper.
The little red hen tried to make muffins.

"I will ask for help," she said. The little red hen asked the duck, "Will you please help me make muffins?"

The duck said, "No."
The duck looks annoyed. He continues fishing.
She asked the turkey, "Will you please help me make muffins?"

The turkey said, "No."

She asked the goose, "Will you please help me make muffins?"

The goose said, "No."

"Then I will make them myself," said the little red hen.
The little red hen stirs milk into a bowl of batter.
The duck, the turkey, and the goose went to the little red hen's house.

"The muffins smell yummy!" they said. "Can we help you eat them?"
The smell of the fresh-baked muffins floats out to the three hungry birds.
"No," said the little red hen. "You did not help me lift the bag. You did not help me make the muffins. So I will not share my muffins with you." The little red hen holds up her finger. The duck, turkey, and goose look sad.
The End The Little Red Hen eats a muffin.