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Frederic Chopin
Transcript & Visual Description

Audio Visual
Frederic Chopin.
A picture appears of a dog looking at his water bowl .
Chopin saw a silly dog chas-ing, chasing its tail.
It gave him the idea for this music.
When you see silly things, do you think of music?
The dog looks back and forth from its tail to the water bowl.
"Little Dog Waltz" by Chopin.
("Little Dog Waltz," piano music)
The dog starts chasing its tail in circles.
This music is called "The Cat's Waltz."
Can you hear the cat's little feet jump-ing,
jumping on the piano?
A picture appears of a cat standing on a piano.
"The Cat's Waltz" by Chopin.
("The Cat's Waltz," piano music)
The cat jumps onto the piano keys and starts playing with its feet.
I N G sounds like, ing, as in sing.
Click and drag to make more words that end with ing.
Th-ing, thing.
R-ing, ring.
Br-ing, bring.
Sw-ing, swing.
The letters ING appear. The letter S slides over to make the word sing. Other letters appear to make more words.
THE END The curtains close.